There has to be a basic understanding of the effects of various foods on our health if we are to use food as medicine. This means becoming informed about nutrition. Let’s take a look at each of these in closer detail:

The truth is that we will never have the body we want until we are educated about making the right choices with food, healing the underlying emotional imbalances that make us crave unhealthy foods, and generally make a commitment to achieving optimal health. We can actually enjoy the hard work it takes to live well. Every one of us is entitled to this relationship with food and it is definitely possible. Instead, our food choices reflect a very strong commitment that we have made to ourselves to heal our bodies and minds with nutrition. This means that we are proactive about our health we aren’t using food to beat ourselves up or to take away the pain in our lives. We have to find the balance between immediate gratification and harsh discipline.
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We have to learn how to enjoy taking care of ourselves. The key is to have a healthy relationship with ourselves so we can make changes that are not based on will power. Having a healthy body takes work there is no way around that. There is no pill that will effortlessly make the weight melt off. I also tell my patients that there simply is no magic bullet for losing weight.

Our metabolism will eventually shut down altogether if we abuse ourselves by repeatedly gaining and losing large amounts of weight. As our bodies become accustomed to losing weight and eating different foods on the diet, they easily go into a state of shock once the old foods are reintroduced. At the end of the diet we usually say, ‘phew, I’m glad that’s over!’ This mindset is undoubtedly a form of self-sabotage. Dieting implies a short period of time in which we use will power to shed weight, only to return to our old ways sooner or later. The problem with dieting is that we think it’s OK to revert to the way we were eating after the diet is over. Instead, what they need to do is find a healthy way to eat that truly works for them and then stick with it as long as they live. This is because I educate my patients that they are NEVER to diet again. In my practice, I have helped many people lose weight and keep it off. This cycle can continue through life, which leaves many people feeling disempowered, cynical, and depressed about their ability to maintain an optimal weight. Unfortunately, the good results are usually temporary and eventually spiral into the same or a higher weight than we were at prior to the diet. It is quite common to experience initial success on diets. The vast majority of overweight people have been on a variety of diets and regimens. 34% of our country is obese, which means that one is over 20 pounds his or her optimal weight. Approximately 70 million Americans are overweight.